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getting everylast exp. point (tips, poss spoiler)

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 1:30 am
by Erugeboren
for those of you who really want to be all you can be in the game heres some tips,

a few times in surdana i had done all the quests and side quests before a big level and i would have only needed a few more kills to get my next exp point, it drove me crazy and i search all around surdana hoping to find more baddies to get it before embarking on the next mission.

i found that if you run around on foot to the different quests in surdana you will 'unlock' certain baddies, not that they are cooler but they are extra or something,

around the mushroom cave if you run around after ward you find a few more grull, and on the way to the monastery if you run throught the cave before the natural bride then youll meet some more baddies,

the point is you never see these guys if you ride on arokh all the time, so dont be afraid to explore on foot,
of course Surdana gives you alot of this but most other levels have very few secrets, but they do have some.