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More Tips...

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 4:37 am
by EvilOmen86
Hey all u gamer fans out there,
I have a couple of boss tips here:

Snotmaw- to take this sucka out, simply stand in the doorway entrance, equip a bow and pick off the wartoks on the above platform, when a few of them are slain, they will run out the door, snotmaw will advance thru the door opposite u. hold ur ground and whittle away at his health, he wont get very close to u so dont worry (i didnt see him at all). as for the grull kong, side step back and forth untill he comes out of hiding, do as u did with snotmaw and he'll fall before u, since the doorway is too small, he wont be able to reach u. (just remember to stay within in the doorway, if u stray into the arena u will be trapped).

Kossa Vole- make ur way to his crypt entrance, climb up above the doorway and u will see a large opening below u...u have a clean shot of Kossa Voles body, pick away at the body with ur bow and Kossa will emerge thru the wall. he will rise up thru the hole, but then he will float back down. target him and take him out. i assure that if u stand in a comfortable position above his crypt, then he cant harm u.

hope all that mumbo jumbo can help u out.