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Editor Shortcut Keys

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:42 am
by shoprat
Disclaimer: This is a copy of someone's original work. Presented 'as is'.

Ok..I am surprised nobody started a thread for this, as these are the invaluable tricks necessary to making level creation a lot more quick and easy. I only know two at the moment, having pulled them from searches of the various threads here. My hope is that people will continue to add to the list as time goes by, and anyone who performs a search for "shortcuts" will pull up this thread and find all the goodies in one spot !!

1) Ctrl M - used to match your layer edge vertices, a HUGE time saver that will help eliminate problems where layers merge and their vertices don't match. Since they have to match exactly, his little shortcut is invaluable, and will turn hours of work matching your vertices into minutes or seconds instead.

2) Control left click on a layer - this will select all the layers in the associated group of layers, so you can work on multiple layers at one time. (ie: select multiple layers & ctrl-M to match the layer edges.)

D ridge tool

T texture tool

S scroll tool

space select tool

F5 vertex tool

O object editing mode

L layer editing mode

shift-drag move objects in object mode

control-drag copy layers or object

control-click select more than one layer or object

Z zoom tool

- zoom out at selected position

+ zoom in at selected position

Q show textures in top down view

W fit shading range to current viewed height range

A mark areas the NPCs can walk on

TAB go to cam location

alt-Enter select instance properties

control TAB go to selected objects position

control G group

control H hide layer(s)

control R reveal layer(s)

control F "find" in database window

control M match vertices

control I inverse selection (used to cut and paste)

control E select all of same object

control-shift E select all of same class or type

alt X browse parent directory

' (apostrophe) zoom texture pallet double size

; (semi-colon) zoom texture pallet half size

H flip texture horizonally

V flip texture vertically

[ select previous texture

] select next texture

< rotate texture left (CCW)

> rotate texture right (CW)

There are some others listed under Help/shortcut keys although it doesn't list them all for some reason

End of post

For some reason one of the most used is omitted.

C create tool

F3 create tool

F4 sculpt tool

F6 paint texture tool

This list could use a little ordering to make it easier to use but I hope someone might be able to identify the posters if it's kept in orginal format and order.

If you know of anymore useful keys please list them