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Best way to use the editor?

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:07 pm
by shoprat
best way to use editor?

I want to try and create some sort of on going story arc, but can't even figure out how to get started. Before I inundated the forums with a lot of stupid questions, I want to see if there was any kind of tutorials to help me figure this out for myself. I looked at the documents on surreal site but they just put a label on things and don't show how to use them. Any help would be appreciated.

Trouble is...there isn't really a "way" to use or do anything...the engine is rediculously flexible and actually the designers here probably all use it quite differently. Weekly I find out a new ways to accomplish things.

The best I can do is point you to the "how to make a basic mp level" and then hope you go these forums a bit and then...field any questions you have.

Editing Soapbox

This isn't meant as a tutorial of the editor. It's just some observations about it and some ideas to make the process of working with it a little easier and less confusing.

If you plan on doing any level editing it's very helpful to be familiar with the basic concepts of OOP (object oriented programming). I had a hard time trying to understand the editor's layout, but when I found out that Drakan was written in an OOP language (C++), I decided to find out more about programming with it. After reading a few tutorials, the editor actually started to make sense. Use a search engine to find more information about OOP.

When you become familiar with using an OOP language, you'll understand why the editor uses a database structure containing objects (boxes, orcs) and methods (links, triggers). You'll find it's easier to use if you understand about classes, groups, objects, instances, instance properties, and methods.

I think of the editor as a ' visual ' programming language interface divided into separate modes. There's 'command sets' for sculpting 3D layers, painting and texturing, object placement, movie making, and model customizing.

In layer mode you create and paint the various backgrounds of your game. This defines an area where the player will have interaction with other objects. Careful planning of the terrain can allow different ways of reaching a goal which can change the gameplay of the area.

You could create an area with two paths through it. One path that goes through a small cave where the player will be attacked from the rear, and an alternate path that goes over the cave, letting the player get the suprize advantage.

The 'over cave' path can be textured so it's obvious to see, or made to blend into the background so that only a careful examination by the player will find it. The player will enjoy finding 'secrets' that allow different strategies through the area. If you give the player different ways to complete a goal, it will add to the replayability of your game.

The creation of the landscape is part of 'programming' the game. Think of the terrain as the backbone 'template' for action sequence 'program' you'll make. Make sure the area totally contains all the objects that may be spawned. If a object (key/sword) is spawned by the death of a npc, you must make sure it will spawn in an accessable location. As you plan your killing grounds keep in mind the weapons the player may have. You can force a weapon or a fighting style on a player if you like.

Object mode is where you ' write ' the program. This mode is where you place 'static' and 'active' objects. Placing objects and changing their instance properties is the primary programming method of the editor. This mode is where you setup the object's properties and how it will interact with the player.

Static objects are used to make buildings, campsites, trees, and generally things that don't move. Use the placement of objects to determine paths through the area and setup 'safe' areas if any. The area is your 'stage' so decorate it with objects to visually enhance it if you have the talent and time. Use of lighting (or the lack of it) should be considered to set the drama.

Using active objects is the heart of level programming. Setting up and 'tweaking' the properties of the npcs is the most creative part of making the game. You can make suicidal warriors or craven cowards. Give them a stick or a magic fireball spell. You can make counters, timers, if-then, either-or and other logic operators with detectors, triggers, links, and generators. As Sageous said in the above post, there is no correct way to use the editor. (except the way you prefer to program)

The stomp editor is a 'swiss army knife' program. Mainly it's used to transport objects or make cut-sceens, but it can be used to take complete control over the game. Some mods use the stomp player to create special effects. Look in the forum for examples.

Even though the modeler is a separate program, I still think of it as part of the editor. It's used to modify the textures and/or the shape of models. You can use it to create your own models, then bound and texture them. You're making 'art' with this program. You can't make animations with it but you can import them. Requires study and steady nerves. If you can learn to make models, you can use the Riot Engine to run your own version of Halo.

I think the most important part of editing is to have a plan (or story) as a template to use as you make the level. Once you know where you want to go, all you have to do is figure out how to get there. Be prepared to fail when you try something new. And don't forget to look into the databases of the retail and custom levels and examine them for new ideas. Some very creative people have made very cool things. Look at their 'code'.

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:57 pm
by AXE
Good post! Trial and error through using the tutorials, and creating your own lvl. Make sure you backup your database's before you change them[8D]