Enemy Weapons ------------- a Drakan mod by Zeoc Have you ever played through Drakan's single player game and wondered why Rynn couldn't use weapons dropped by enemies? Well, with this mod, you can pick up every enemy weapon except the pickaxe and war giant axe. You can't use goblin weapons as dart guns, but you can use them as clubs. To install it, go into the directory Drakan/Common/Resources. Rename the file "Resources.odb" in that directory to something else, like "Res_backup.odb". Now, move the file you just unzipped, also named "Resources.odb", into the directory in place of the old one. Now you can pick up enemy weapons in the game! When you want to restore the original mode, rename "Resources.odb" to something like "Enemywep.odb" and then rename "Res_backup.odb", or whatever you called it, to "Resources.odb". You'll need to do this if you want to play a multiplayer game.