may be useful for character's MODs design and also easiest LODs design for your MODs - support any combination of vertices number and amount of 'base' and new char.
finally next working and bugfixed build (i hope ... 140403.exe
1. auto-bugfix around skeleton elements becoming 'empty' after re-weighting new mesh to old/base sleleton
(adds 1 new vertex with coordinates 0.0 0.0 0.0 and weight it to all 'empty' joints...) WARNING: if you using
your new character as 'base' for next characters you must remove that vertex ! use 'Remove Unreferenced' command from
"Vertices" menu...
2. interpolation of selected groups of vertices (really work in both directions - old -> new and new -> old
if somebody want it for some reason)
3. additional command for selecting groups of vertices having weights to skeleton element (usually JOINT)
4. some minor features like saving your last Min int radius to registry and a bit wider startup screen for
new button to fit ... lots of new windows

1. File->Open... load Rynn MP Banded.rec as base/old character. it has not any fake vertices so nothing more required
2. File->Import->Mesh for Char open your new character's mesh (.reo)
setup 'Minimum Interpolation radius' to 0.0001 , Invoke old vertices: All and set flag 'Check for empty joints'
if you want bugfix enabled right now ... if not you can perform it before using this char in game at any time even after saving and so on...
3. now you have your new Char ready for gameplay

4. if you see some bugs in weighting (and you possibly will have them because auto-interpolation is very simple distance-based now)
you need to correct it further... for example you in most cases will get errors in weighting of vertices of
inner parts of the legs (they are too close each other) ... to fix it in GUI mode:
5. switch to base/old char (SoftAnim (old) - you will see '(old)' addition to char's name usually) in Model main menu,
go to 'Character Skeleton' window and Hierarchy -> Expand entire tree
6. select 'Ltoe' joint and right-click -> Select Influenced Vertices, now hold 'Ctrl' button and select 'Lfoot'
joint... again right-click -> Select Influenced Vertices - now you have more vertices selected and your selection grow...
in the same way (holding Ctrl key) add Lcalf and Lthigth influenced vertices to selection.
7. switch to your new char model and 'vertex edit mode' - select vertices of the _left_ leg only in a bit smaller
area then covered by 'base' model - see height of the green marker

8. go to 'Vertices Weights' window and Actions-> Start Interpolation...
9. select Old char - your base character (usually with (old) at the end of the name - like a reminder)
and New char - your char in progress...
10. in the 'Vertices Interpolation' window - switch 'Invoke new vertices' to 'Selected' and
'Invoke old vertices' to 'Selected' too, you may also uncheck 'Check for empty joints' and
left 'Minnimum interpolation radius' as old 0.0001 ... Ok
11. now you have weighting of the left leg of your char corrected (removed errorneous influence
of the R* joints)
12. repeat steps 5..10 for right leg of the base and new chars.
13. Save As and test it in game again.
if you get horrible char's distortion of engine crashes at loading of level - try to
check for skeleton elements without weighted vertices after 'converting' (if you has 'Check for empty joints' unchecked all time or occasionally remove that bugfix
vertex with 'remove unreferenced' command or manually or whatever) - go to Vertices Weights window and perform
Actions->Fill empty joints command...
send found bugs to