Python .REO to .OBJ Converter

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Python .REO to .OBJ Converter

Post by unterbuchse »


I just tested the REO to OBJ converter posted here and it did not work out for me (The generated obj. files were wrong regarding vertex count and face count. Arokhs soul crystal for example had some weird additional vertices and faces) . Furthermore, the whole hassle with binaries, runtimes etc and the "only for windows thingy" somehow annoyed me. So i just wrote a python script for it. Its just quick and dirty so dont expect the holy grail here.
I tested it for 3 REO files and it works (including texture mapping). The bounding spheres / boxes and other additional information is parsed but not yet used in the obj. output.

I will clean it up / enhance it tomorrow, if i can find some motivation.
some screens:
(200.76 KiB) Downloaded 1888 times
(230.89 KiB) Downloaded 1888 times
(205.85 KiB) Downloaded 1888 times
* I only put one of the 3 textures on the dragon head so yeah the side textures are incorrect but their coordinates are correct *

Will put the code on github, but if someone wants to experiment right away:

** UPDATED VERSION FROM 09.August.2016 - now with .mtl conversion **

Code: Select all

Created on 08.08.2016

@author: BuXXe

import REOClass

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Filename without extension! (.reo .obj and .mtl will be appended in code)
    # TODO: Right now we assume the reo file is in the same directory as the

    # read the reo file
    # blocks: version, name, created by ... on, lighting, transform, materials, faces, vertices, bspheres/bboxes 
    with open(filename+".reo", 'r') as f:
        read_data = f.readlines()
    # TODO: perhaps use only regex in future but for now keep it simple
    # TODO: perhaps we should use some kind of grammar or state machine to parse the file
    # iterate through the read_data
    linecounter = 0
    # create new object
    REO = REOClass.REO()
    # INFO: Comments and empty lines will be ignored as for now
    while(linecounter < len(read_data)):
        if(read_data[linecounter][0] == '#' or read_data[linecounter][0] == '\n'):
            linecounter += 1
        # set metadata
            REO.version = read_data[linecounter].replace("version ","",1).replace("\n","")
   = read_data[linecounter].replace("name ","",1).replace("\n","")
        elif(read_data[linecounter].startswith("created by")):
            authoranddate = read_data[linecounter].replace("created by ","",1).replace("\n","")
            # INFO: might seem complex but is necessary cause a user could have " on " as part of his name 
            # which would perhaps even kill the REO Importer of the Riot Engine
            # TODO: Right now we assume a fixed length for the date. Perhaps a more flexible way of solving this split would be nice
            REO.creationDate = authoranddate[-10:]
   = authoranddate[:-14]

   = read_data[linecounter].replace("Lighting ","",1).replace("\n","")
            materialcount = read_data[linecounter].replace("materials ","",1).replace("\n","")
            # walk over the next #materialcount lines to collect the materials
            materials = []
            for n in xrange (int(materialcount)):
                # TODO: right now we assume the format: ID TYPE FILENAME (Filenames without any spaces!)
                # If there is a model with no texture the entry is ex.: 0 Texture(0)
                # For these definitions the converter would crash due index out of range
                entry = read_data[linecounter+n+1].replace("\n","").split(" ")
            REO.materials = materials

            # jump over #materialcount lines 
            linecounter += int(materialcount)
            # INFO: Assumes that after transform keyword we will have 3 lines representing the matrix
            REO.transform = [read_data[linecounter+1].replace("\n","").split(" "), read_data[linecounter+2].replace("\n","").split(" "), read_data[linecounter+3].replace("\n","").split(" ")]
            vertexcount = read_data[linecounter].replace("vertices ","",1).replace("\n","")
            # walk over the next #vertexcount lines to collect the vertices
            vertices = []
            for n in xrange (int(vertexcount)):
                # TODO: right now we assume the format: ID X Y Z 
                # if there are other formats, for example including the W entry, this needs to be changed
                entry = read_data[linecounter+n+1].replace("\n","").split(" ")
            REO.vertices = vertices
            # jump over #vertexcount lines 
            linecounter += int(vertexcount)
            facecount = read_data[linecounter].replace("faces ","",1).replace("\n","")
            # Assumption: There is an empty line after the faces entry. Then we have blocks of 5 or 6 lines per polygon
            # TODO: The Inner Temple has an entry "fl 2S" in a polygon block which leads to a 6 line block.
            faces = []
            # Dictionary of UV-Tex-Coords -> vtid
            reverseTexDict = {}
            # VT entries of format [U,V]
            vtentries = []
            # walk over the next #facecount blocks to collect the faces
            for n in xrange (int(facecount)):
                # INFO: polygon rows may be ignored as they are only giving structural information
                vt = read_data[linecounter+n*6+2].replace("\n","")
                # each face has: used vertices, corresponding UV coords per vertex, used material
                # face entry consists of: [[vertices],[vtextureids],materialid]
                face = vt.split(":")[1].split(" ")
                mat = read_data[linecounter+n*6+3].replace("\n","").split(" ")[1]
                Utex = read_data[linecounter+n*6+4].replace("\n","").replace("tu ","",1).split(" ")
                Vtex = read_data[linecounter+n*6+5].replace("\n","").replace("tv ","",1).split(" ")
                # list holding the corresponding vt ids for the current faces' vertices
                vtent = []
                for i in xrange(len(face)):
                    # If there is no entry in the reverseTexDict for the current UV coords, create 
                    # an entry and append UV coords to vtentries list
                    if str([Utex[i],Vtex[i]]) not in reverseTexDict:
                        reverseTexDict[str([Utex[i],Vtex[i]])] = len(vtentries)
                    # Append the textureid to the list

                # TODO: fl 2S entries are not further investigated yet and will be ignored as for now                    
                # add vt entries    

            REO.faces = faces
            REO.vtentries = vtentries
            # jump over #facecount * 6 lines 
            linecounter += int(facecount)*6
        # TODO: We cannot use the bounding data in the obj format. Right now we will just ignore them. 
        # In future approach, we could parse the bounding spheres / boxes as model data.
            bspherecount = read_data[linecounter].replace("bspheres ","",1).replace("\n","")
            # Assumption again: Seems to have an empty line before the bsphere block like in face def above
            bspheres = []
            # walk over the next #bspherecount blocks to collect the bspheres
            for n in xrange (int(bspherecount)):
                # Assumption: 3 lines per bsphere
            REO.bspheres = bspheres
            # jump over #bspherecount * 4 lines 
            linecounter += int(bspherecount)*4
            bboxcount = read_data[linecounter].replace("bboxes ","",1).replace("\n","")
            # Assumption again: Seems to have an empty line before the bboxes block like in face and bsphere def above
            bboxes = []
            # walk over the next #bboxcount blocks to collect the bboxes
            for n in xrange (int(bboxcount)):
                # Assumption: 6 lines per bbox
                bbox =[]
                for i in xrange(1,7):
            REO.bboxes = bboxes
            # jump over #bboxcount * 7 lines 
            linecounter += int(bboxcount)*7

        linecounter += 1    
    # print REO.__dict__
    withTextures = True
        # Build the mtl file
        with open(filename+".mtl", 'w') as f:
            f.write("# Material file for REO file: ""\n")
            # Assumption: Only entries of id Texutre Filename in reo file
            for index,entry in enumerate(REO.materials):
                f.write("newmtl Material"+str(index) +"\n")
                f.write("map_Kd " + entry[1] +"\n")

    # Now lets build an obj file:
    with open(filename+".obj", 'w') as f:
            f.write("mtllib " + filename+".mtl" + "\n")
        # vertices
        for entry in REO.vertices:
            f.write("v "+" ".join(entry)+"\n")
        # vertex texture coords
            for en in REO.vtentries: 
                f.write("vt "+" ".join(en)+"\n")
            # INFO: blocks with entries per material -> smaller obj file but changes order of the faces!
            # face definitions with vt ids
            # preprocess and build the blocks
            # dictionary holds lists of face definitions per materialid
            # initialize list
            for index,entry in enumerate(REO.materials):
                faceblocks[str(index)] = []
            for entry in REO.faces:
                withtexid = []
                # associate the vertices with their corresponding vt entry id
                for index,vert in enumerate(entry[0]):
                    withtexid.append(str(int(vert)+1)+'/'+ str(int(entry[1][index])+1) )
                faceblocks[entry[2]].append("f "+" ".join(withtexid)+"\n")
            # write blocks of faces per material 
            for entry in sorted(faceblocks):
                f.write("usemtl Material"+entry+"\n")
                for face in faceblocks[entry]:
            for entry in REO.faces:
                withtexid = [str(int(d)+1) for d in entry[0]]
                f.write("f "+" ".join(withtexid)+"\n")

Code: Select all

Created on 08.08.2016

@author: BuXXe

import time

class REO(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.version = "2.2" = "Unnamed Model" = "Anonymous"
        self.creationDate = time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") = "1"
        self.transform = [[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0]]
        # Format: List of Lists with each containing [Type, Filename]
        self.materials = []
        self.vertices = []
        self.faces = []
        self.vtentries = []
        # bounding data
        self.bspheres = []
        self.bboxes = []
Last edited by unterbuchse on Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Python REO. to OBJ. Converter

Post by Arokhs Twin »

I noticed it has been updated again, will upload fixed version.
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Re: Python REO. to OBJ. Converter

Post by unterbuchse »

I already used the most updated version ( Aug 07, 2016) with the QT gui and I still got the wrong model.
In the following screens you see the generated output file contains much more vertices (180) than it should (32).
Theres something definately wrong in this one.
REOtoOBJConverter-Problem2.jpg (215.92 KiB) Viewed 22920 times
(249.05 KiB) Downloaded 1868 times

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Re: Python REO. to OBJ. Converter

Post by unterbuchse »

Put some more effort into this and got a version with .mtl file generation and some bug fixes.
Right now theres still a problem for some files (if the vertices are in the file but never used in a polygon...) Will work this one out tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

Side Note: does anyone know what the "fl 2S" entry for a face / polygon means? I just got the theory that it would have to do with 2 sided faces but not sure yet. and one more thing: for bboxes there is a number after the transform martices block (0, or 1). What does this stand for?

** Update **
One of my Assumptions was wrong and backfired hard. Texture coords are broken for now but already got a solution. Hopefully done in some hours.

** Update **
So everythings fixed. Still the fl 2S statement in the polygon blocks will just be ignored. As for now, I could not find a problem in the obj, so if there are problems with the normals of certain faces, this should be checked again.

So the current version is capable of converting REO files to .obj + .mtl files. If you keep the texture bmps in the same directory as the mtl and the obj you can import it into blender for example and it should work out of the box. The current converter source can be found in the first post of this thread. I will put the stuff on github when Ive got some motivation. Next step: .obj to .reo

Problems so far:
There will never (!) be a 1:1 conversion of .obj <-> .reo as they have different approaches. Besides the additional information (metadata, bboxes/bspheres, lighting-model, transform) which could be handled as "comments" in the .obj file, the structure of a .obj file forces changes in the order of the faces compared to the reo file. The obj file uses blocks for each material entry, while the reo handles materials on a "per face" basis. Of course this could be done for the .obj as well but this would mean +1 row for each face and therefor create bigger files. One more thing is the fl 2S entry. If this entry is related to double sided faces, the creation of a reo file out of an obj file would never (or lets say only with much effort) identify such faces and write the fl 2S option. You would need to find faces with same vertex entries but different order (meaning: mirrored normal). I just do not think that this is worth the time. If there will ever be a case of normal problems or poly count problems due to 2 faces for 1 double sided face, we may discuss about it, but not now.

Some more eye-candy:
(179.6 KiB) Downloaded 1833 times
Church-TexturedCorrectly.jpg (192.4 KiB) Viewed 22885 times

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