Pathfinder Drakan Edition
Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
Yes that a good point lol.
I should have read that better.
I'll do my best to keep it to one or two regions at most.
Question it's been a while are their any times in the game were people active view dragons as gods or worship them? Could be neat to have a cult of poeple that follow the evil Elder Dragon as a god.
I should have read that better.
I'll do my best to keep it to one or two regions at most.
Question it's been a while are their any times in the game were people active view dragons as gods or worship them? Could be neat to have a cult of poeple that follow the evil Elder Dragon as a god.
Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
I'm not aware of complete world map floating around.Kino Rynn wrote: Were could I find a World Map include all the areas from both games in one picture?
All I know about that is that Drakan:OOTF suffers from some strange geographical protection fault: its maps have mixed up cardinal directions, amongst other things - it's wildly inconsistent with the geography depicted in Drakan:TAG.
There was a forum post about that somewhere, you can use the search function for that.
(I found one: click here - not the one I had in mind though!)
Beyond that, all I can recommend is to go through Drakan:TAG and collect as much geographical information from it as you can. Forget about OOTF in that respect, for exactly the reason I mentioned in the last paragraph.
Again, not aware of any such thing; although I haven't played TAG yet, I don't expect it would feature any such thing either.Kino Rynn wrote: Question it's been a while are their any times in the game were people active view dragons as gods or worship them? Could be neat to have a cult of poeple that follow the evil Elder Dragon as a god.
(EDIT: Well, of course there is the whole Spirit Dragon thing in TAG - but AFAIK it isn't quite what you're asking about.)
It's astronomically unlikely, practically speaking - remember, the dragons have been cooperating with humanity for 4 centuries before the fall of the Order, and have been engaged in various conflicts with them for who knows how long before that.
No way in hell there would be anyone who doesn't know what a dragon is; even around 100ADW.
About the only way I can see that happening is if there were some extremely isolated settlements in highly inaccessible parts of Drakan, so isolated that no dragon would ever have bothered to venture there from the mainland unless there was a pressing need to do so... which brings me right back to that point I made about the secret research team and their task

BTW, in the future, please edit your post instead of double-posting

- Arokhs Twin
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Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
Whoah a lot of discussion on this
Just to add to the mix, in Drakan: TAG it is stated that the Desert Lords came to Drakan after the end of the Dark Wars with the ensuing chaos and collapse of civilization as it was known it was an ideal time to invade. The game does not say when exactly they came to Drakan it simply says 'soon after' so they could be the main antagonists. The Grull / Orcs and Wartocks became allies with them believing they had the power to bring Navaros back from the rift. This never happened though unless it was planned to be in a Drakan 3 that was never made.
The southern part of the continent was invaded first which is where Jade came from (the sorceress in TAG) and they spread to the rest finally reaching Surdana in the North in Rynn's time. So they must have been around a long time and spread slowly.
As for any dragons that did not / go into sleep in Drakan: TAG the Dragon Mother / spirit dragon put all of the remaining dragons of the Order and 'neutral' dragons to eternal sleep though some chose to follow her through the ancient gate into the asteral plane. This was the ones that were not put into stone due to the deaths of their riders (Arokh was an exception though due to what happened in the final confrontation with Navaros) the others still would require their soul crystals to awaken them. Edit: there may be magic that can awaken them without their soul crystals (the dragonstone maybe?) This does not mean that some dragon eggs were not hidden away though...
As for the dragons of the Dark Union it looks like these did not go into eternal sleep and possibly would still be around 100 years ADW considering a dragon lives for 300 to 400 years. They were forbidden to join the Dragon Mother in the spirit world also known as the asteral plane. There were two dragons of the Dark Union in Drakan: TAG that were placed as statues outside the Sanguinade; an ancient Dark Union structure although inside the order's insignia was on all of the doors but that's another story. Maybe the Dark Union took over it?
These two dragons were awakened without their soul crystals by a wizard so I guess there is magic around (at least in Rynn's time) that can awaken dragons without their soul crystals. I'm guessing this was an overlooked contradiction seem as the plot of Drakan: TAG was written by a different employee at Surreal. This can be open to interpretation. There is the dragonstone though which does have the ability to create soul crystals so it's assumed it can awaken them too without having to find the soul crystal. After all many would be lost or used as pretty ornaments in people's homes...
There was no world map of Drakan until TAG came along but that only includes the playable game area
All we know there is a great central continent which is where Drakan:TAG takes place & the first part of Drakan:OOTF, a south eastern continent which is where Drakan City is (not seen in the games though) and this continent is visited in OOTF (islands, volcano) and the eastern wastelands but this may be part of the central continent. Drakan: TAG's world map was very compressed and the desert in the game was an artificial creation by the Desert Lords with their climate spell. That part of the world would normally be lush like Surdana.
BTW if you want a long read there is a fan made novelisation of the two games which explains a few things including an interesting crossover with our world which explains how there are myths of Dragons in many cultures. Basically the OOTF experimented with portals between worlds and some dragons came to our world centuries ago. This was entireley a fan made idea though especially after seeing the Middle Eastern themes in parts of Drakan: TAG.

The southern part of the continent was invaded first which is where Jade came from (the sorceress in TAG) and they spread to the rest finally reaching Surdana in the North in Rynn's time. So they must have been around a long time and spread slowly.
As for any dragons that did not / go into sleep in Drakan: TAG the Dragon Mother / spirit dragon put all of the remaining dragons of the Order and 'neutral' dragons to eternal sleep though some chose to follow her through the ancient gate into the asteral plane. This was the ones that were not put into stone due to the deaths of their riders (Arokh was an exception though due to what happened in the final confrontation with Navaros) the others still would require their soul crystals to awaken them. Edit: there may be magic that can awaken them without their soul crystals (the dragonstone maybe?) This does not mean that some dragon eggs were not hidden away though...
As for the dragons of the Dark Union it looks like these did not go into eternal sleep and possibly would still be around 100 years ADW considering a dragon lives for 300 to 400 years. They were forbidden to join the Dragon Mother in the spirit world also known as the asteral plane. There were two dragons of the Dark Union in Drakan: TAG that were placed as statues outside the Sanguinade; an ancient Dark Union structure although inside the order's insignia was on all of the doors but that's another story. Maybe the Dark Union took over it?
These two dragons were awakened without their soul crystals by a wizard so I guess there is magic around (at least in Rynn's time) that can awaken dragons without their soul crystals. I'm guessing this was an overlooked contradiction seem as the plot of Drakan: TAG was written by a different employee at Surreal. This can be open to interpretation. There is the dragonstone though which does have the ability to create soul crystals so it's assumed it can awaken them too without having to find the soul crystal. After all many would be lost or used as pretty ornaments in people's homes...
There was no world map of Drakan until TAG came along but that only includes the playable game area
All we know there is a great central continent which is where Drakan:TAG takes place & the first part of Drakan:OOTF, a south eastern continent which is where Drakan City is (not seen in the games though) and this continent is visited in OOTF (islands, volcano) and the eastern wastelands but this may be part of the central continent. Drakan: TAG's world map was very compressed and the desert in the game was an artificial creation by the Desert Lords with their climate spell. That part of the world would normally be lush like Surdana.
BTW if you want a long read there is a fan made novelisation of the two games which explains a few things including an interesting crossover with our world which explains how there are myths of Dragons in many cultures. Basically the OOTF experimented with portals between worlds and some dragons came to our world centuries ago. This was entireley a fan made idea though especially after seeing the Middle Eastern themes in parts of Drakan: TAG.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame!
Webmaster of Arokh's Lair
Webmaster of Arokh's Lair
Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
Ambiguously worded, at least without some context being provided. You're referring to TAG's description of what happened right after the Dark Wars, right? Not the actual events of TAG, because that would make little sense then.Arokhs Twin wrote: in Drakan: TAG the Dragon Mother / spirit dragon put all of the remaining dragons of the Order and 'neutral' dragons to eternal sleep though some chose to follow her through the ancient gate into the asteral plane.
And probably there indeed was - what about Werokh and the other dragons of the Dark Union from OOTF, they weren't Bonded, right?Arokhs Twin wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:45 pmEdit: there may be magic that can awaken them without their soul crystals (the dragonstone maybe?)
That's... quite dark, actually. Although I guess it's an appropriate punishment for their transgressions...Arokhs Twin wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:45 pmThey were forbidden to join the Dragon Mother in the spirit world also known as the asteral plane.
Wait, but isn't the dragon's soul still stored in the original crystal?Arokhs Twin wrote: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:45 pmThere is the dragonstone though which does have the ability to create soul crystals so it's assumed it can awaken them too without having to find the soul crystal. After all many would be lost or used as pretty ornaments in people's homes...
Although perhaps the Dragonstone has the ability to recall it (no matter how far away the original crystal is) and transfer it into a new crystal?
- Arokhs Twin
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Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
mechanist wrote:
in Drakan: TAG the Dragon Mother / spirit dragon put all of the remaining dragons of the Order and 'neutral' dragons to eternal sleep though some chose to follow her through the ancient gate into the asteral plane.
Ambiguously worded, at least without some context being provided. You're referring to TAG's description of what happened right after the Dark Wars, right? Not the actual events of TAG, because that would make little sense then.
Correct I'm referring to TAG's description of what happened through in game discussions with NPC's and various cutscenes. Also there's some stuff I remember from discussions on the forum and with Surreal Staff although I must admit I can't find that right now.
mechanist wrote:
Edit: there may be magic that can awaken them without their soul crystals (the dragonstone maybe?)
And probably there indeed was - what about Werokh and the other dragons of the Dark Union from OOTF, they weren't Bonded, right?
Yeah Werokh was a dragon of the Dark Union who was previously Arokh's friend and member of the OOTF. How he was awakened was a mystery; the logical explanation being the Dark Union got hold of his soul crystal and awakened him then made him to serve them. Presumably they were going to do the same to Arokh but Rynn got there first. There's a bit in the Drakan novel which suggests this happened. It leaves Arokh pondering over how the Dark Union managed to awaken other dragons.
mechanist wrote:
There is the dragonstone though which does have the ability to create soul crystals so it's assumed it can awaken them too without having to find the soul crystal. After all many would be lost or used as pretty ornaments in people's homes...
Wait, but isn't the dragon's soul still stored in the original crystal?
Although perhaps the Dragonstone has the ability to recall it (no matter how far away the original crystal is) and transfer it into a new crystal?
The dragonstome is a single artefact which can create soul crystals or have the ability to merge the Dragon's soul into a 'empty' crystal which the dragon then uses to bond with his / her chosen rider. Perhaps indeed the cragonstone has the ability to recall lost or stolen soul crystals or maybe not in which case the dragon cannot be awakened if sleeping in stone.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame!
Webmaster of Arokh's Lair
Webmaster of Arokh's Lair
Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
Hmm. Since it doesn't seem that physical distance matters in this case, then as long as the crystal still exists somewhere, there's probably a way to magically hotwire the crystal receptacle to the same effect... of course it wouldn't work for actually Bonding without the crystal in the correct place, but that isn't even a concern in this specific use case.Arokhs Twin wrote: the logical explanation being the Dark Union got hold of his soul crystal and awakened him then made him to serve them.
Presumably whoever created the Dragonstone was also wise enough to foresee that kind of thing happening, and provided some form of contingency for it - since there are many ways that a crystal can get truly, irretrievably lost without actually being destroyed in the process.Arokhs Twin wrote: Perhaps indeed the cragonstone has the ability to recall lost or stolen soul crystals or maybe not in which case the dragon cannot be awakened if sleeping in stone.
Also I was going off the kind of logic which seems to normally apply to artifacts in D&D settings.
Eg. in Nethack (which is heavily based on D&D), the artifact known as the Eyes of the Overworld, amongst its other effects, cures all forms of blindness when worn - even including such an apparently terminal obstacle to sight as eyelessness! (when polymorphed into any form that lacks eyes, eg. a green slime)
Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
I was thinking eariler. Due to the lack of maps and proper geographey. Would it be better to make up a completely new world with the same monsters and simlar history to Drakan? Or just make up towns and villages as I go in the Drakan Universe?
If I make my own World is would be a lot easier as far as Mapping and I can shape the worlds history. But I could still have it follow some of Draken Laws IE Dragonstones, After a great war or tribulation, same monsters and some new ones. What do you think?
If I make my own World is would be a lot easier as far as Mapping and I can shape the worlds history. But I could still have it follow some of Draken Laws IE Dragonstones, After a great war or tribulation, same monsters and some new ones. What do you think?
Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
Well, in the end, Drakan 3 didn't see the light of day - and in all probability, never will - so I'd say go for it.
Furthermore, because Sony still owns the copyright, any fanmade content under the Drakan name (eg. new levels, game mods/total conversions) can never progress beyond the requirement to own a copy of Drakan in some form, as long as that continues to be the case.
So it's safe to say that unless some sort of miracle happens, there will never be any further "official" additions/changes to the Drakan world.
BTW, You might want to look through these fanmade singleplayer maps first - it would be nice to actually see these locations included
Furthermore, because Sony still owns the copyright, any fanmade content under the Drakan name (eg. new levels, game mods/total conversions) can never progress beyond the requirement to own a copy of Drakan in some form, as long as that continues to be the case.
So it's safe to say that unless some sort of miracle happens, there will never be any further "official" additions/changes to the Drakan world.
BTW, You might want to look through these fanmade singleplayer maps first - it would be nice to actually see these locations included

Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
I think you have misunderstood what Pathfinder is. It's a tabletop game were the players envision the world in their minds based on the descriptions given by the Dungeon Master. Players roll different types of dice to determine if an action succeeds or failures, miss or miss and so on. The Dungeon Master is the stories narrator and the worlds builder. He/She sets up the world around the players and the encounters while also playing the role of the NPC's. The Players describe their actions and what they do from their point of view and they collectively direct were the story goes. For example I could have a big event planed that is critical to the story, but if the players so choose they could go their own way and completely ignore everything I've planned for.
I recommend you YouTube or Google some people playing Pathfinder or Dungeons and Dragons for a better upstanding of what the game is.
Sorry if their was any confusion. Also congratulations on the new multiplayer patch being released I'll have to take a look at it in the morning.
I recommend you YouTube or Google some people playing Pathfinder or Dungeons and Dragons for a better upstanding of what the game is.
Sorry if their was any confusion. Also congratulations on the new multiplayer patch being released I'll have to take a look at it in the morning.
Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
Yes, I realize what that is.
As I have already said, I don't know any specifics, but I do know the basic premise.
It's just that as an engineer, I tend to value consistency, as it makes everything easier for everyone involved
My "you could add these locations" remark was just that - I just thought it'd be nice to include these locations, as many of these fanmade maps are quite good and most Drakan players have played at least some of them at one point or another.
Besides, there's another reason why I mentioned all of that - there's a possibility (under dicsussion currently) that YanGez's OpenOOTF might branch out into a commercial production at some point, and then of course we can't call it anything related to Drakan because of copyright reasons, also the story would need to be changed.
So obviously we need some solid, good ideas for that - and you never know where you might come across those
As I have already said, I don't know any specifics, but I do know the basic premise.
It's just that as an engineer, I tend to value consistency, as it makes everything easier for everyone involved

My "you could add these locations" remark was just that - I just thought it'd be nice to include these locations, as many of these fanmade maps are quite good and most Drakan players have played at least some of them at one point or another.
Besides, there's another reason why I mentioned all of that - there's a possibility (under dicsussion currently) that YanGez's OpenOOTF might branch out into a commercial production at some point, and then of course we can't call it anything related to Drakan because of copyright reasons, also the story would need to be changed.
So obviously we need some solid, good ideas for that - and you never know where you might come across those

Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
I see what you mean. I will take a look at those maps this week and will see what and where I can add stuff in. Given this is a Drakan fan-site Ill try to keep in the Drakan Universe.
So long as all goes well I'd like to be able to post the resulting story of each season and watch as it grows into its own story within the lore.
If my stories can help YanGez in the future, then by all means use them.
So long as all goes well I'd like to be able to post the resulting story of each season and watch as it grows into its own story within the lore.
If my stories can help YanGez in the future, then by all means use them.
Re: Pathfinder Drakan Edition
Sounds good
As for me possibly playing it - it's one of those things that I'd first like to actually see in action before deciding, precisely because I have 0 practical experience with these kinds of games.

As for me possibly playing it - it's one of those things that I'd first like to actually see in action before deciding, precisely because I have 0 practical experience with these kinds of games.