I decided to make in Drakan Level Editor new Level Series to Drakan. Thanks to latest patches by UCyborg and Mechanist for the editor and BuXXe's plugins to Blender it is definitely easier to do something playable. They'll be quite small levels, rather, I don't want to do something very long and openworld-like maps. I plan to do max 5 levels. I decided on this step for several reasons: such as learning and using my models in other game engines. In opposite to OpenOOTF I'll place ASAP download links with beta version, that I could know your remarks and observations.
I placed assets that are free to use, there aren't any copyright and paid content. Assets are made from free tools such as Blender, GIMP (editing textures). Free assets such as: textures included in page : https://www.texturemate.com/ . In the case of walkthrough on my YouTube channel use only Royalty Free music and free ambience sounds of cave, forest, birds etc. Moreover as you want: my models that I have made are completely free to use.
Download Links and descriptions of levels:
To load level, please unpack .rar file to Drakan\Mountain World and run Drakan:Order of The Flame in Developer mode. While holding LShift - > Run Drakan.exe and in Developer tab->Enable Developer Mode. Some of the models are not fully finished and they are missing bounding boxes, Full version of level will be 1.00 Also, I recommend to set fog distance between 50%-70% Also, if you'll encounter bugs in levels or level broke Drakan etc. Please write to me. I use AiO patch by UCyborg 3/14/2019
ALL-IN-ONE map pack: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13RBk0 ... KXFrkTepaW
Level 1 - Cambodge. Version 0.70
Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XYz_h ... u1z_HZ8Azs -install it in Drakan\Mountain World

Map is of course as you can read in title take places in Cambodia. Temple and structures are inspired by Angkor Wat. As you might guess, I did not want to place an NPC here and level will be focused on traps, puzzles and searching for the transition to the end of the level.
My walkthrough video with this level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ1MjoO97aQ
Level 2 - Monastery, version 0.40(Beta)
Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KugsZ ... nUclarBaD3 -install it in Drakan\Mountain World

Castle-like structures, overcoming NPCs in the forest and looking for relics in Temple.
Level 3 - Town, version 0.2 Beta
Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1B37ZT ... PngrMiCHJq -install it in Drakan\Mountain World
A closed city. Linear level, a kind of town labyrinth surrounded by medieval buildings and houses. I also decided to add a galleon in which Rynn has to find a key artifact.

Level 4 - Big Sky. Version 0.2 Beta
Download link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GvmnM ... Qga8puOohb -install it in Drakan\Mountain World

Air map with Dragon, where in the clouds and scenery set on rocky mountains and the player is unable to land. (Update, I decided to change and map will be just placed in rocky mountains) and upload download link right away because there are no drastic collision mistakes
Level 5 - The Dark Tower, version 0.4 -
Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Gg3tC ... LpBgiVSxaX install it in Drakan\Volcanic World

Last level where Rynn will have to get to the top of a very tall tower, Level will be based on the inner part but the end part will be at the top of the tower.
I decided to make additional 2 levels:
Level 6 - Forum Romanum version 0.4 -install it in Drakan\Mountain World
Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uneSk ... EQu-uYmZ4w

Rynn as a gladiator, must defeat a lot of opponents , look for potions or better weapons and get to the Colosseum.
Level 7 - Red Canyon version 0.2
Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HHdho ... SFQmCL4DFR - install it in Drakan\Islands World

Air and ground map, where Rynn has to get to the secret city where there is an indestructible and powerful sword hidden.Arokh will help her find this city.
Extra- Work in progress: screenshots from Blender, Drakan Level Editor etc.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=16UbwK ... Tzi7TqFcDi