Firstly you need to install Wine (Windows compatibility layer) and all its dependencies:
Enable 32 bit architecture:
Code: Select all
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
Add WineHQ repository:
Code: Select all
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install gnupg2 software-properties-common
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
Code: Select all
sudo apt-add-repository
Code: Select all
sudo apt update
Install Wine 6 on Debian 11:
Code: Select all
wget -O- -q | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine-obs.list
Code: Select all
sudo apt update
Choose Wine Stable or Staging:
Code: Select all
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
Code: Select all
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging
Set up Wine prefix:
Skip Wine Mono & Gecko installtion, becasue they're not required.
Code: Select all
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.DrakanWine wine wineboot
Install Winetricks:
Code: Select all
chmod +x winetricks
Full game is requied. Either buy used copy or obtain it from reputable sources like Internet Archive. Always verify checksums of disc image to ensure that files are clean and undamaged. MD5 checksums for Redump (disc preservation database) compatible European version:
Code: Select all
e46717b570ee2d43ad61169011e5d5a5 *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe) (Track 1).bin
a35765ee6ec1834d532b50515177cd9e *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe) (Track 2).bin
175048cf2ec5439fcb6f4cfc2f3d454a *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe) (Track 3).bin
c2b062cdeb36d96775b4103412beb16b *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe) (Track 4).bin
7c2ccd37eb332a688de1b5381cee5609 *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe) (Track 5).bin
af32871187ece69918d0499f2c24c7fc *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe) (Track 6).bin
a00ff1ded2479426989a1c5b1f6f621c *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe) (Track 7).bin
b3d21641b9b549efedae8faa36226065 *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe) (Track 8).bin
7f96df742a1953bf9a6de928ef472418 *Drakan - Order of the Flame (Europe).cue
Install game on Windows and then extract game files to Linux box or install directly from CD using Wine wine ./Setup/SETUP.EXE to ~/Games/Drakan.
There are two known unofficial patches. Install only one of them, as they're incompatible with each other.
Download additional server related files from Google Drive.
AiO Patch Final:
- Install Patch 445 (despite what Arokh Lair's description says don't skip on that one),
- Install AiO Patch Final 2.170,
- Install additional multiplayer levels of your choice,
- Extract server related files to game folder,
- Optionally extract Mechanist's modified DDRAW.DLL for disabling on-screen drawing, which lowers CPU usage.
Code: Select all
WINEPREFIX=~/.DrakanWine ./winetricks csmt=off nocrashdialog autostart_winedbg=disabled renderer=no3d sound=disabled
Community Patch:
- Install Community Patch 153.01a,
- Install Updated multiplayer levels pack,
- Extract server related files to game folder,
- Optionally extract Mechanist's modified DDRAW.DLL for disabling on-screen drawing, which lowers CPU usage.
Code: Select all
sudo apt install cabextract
WINEPREFIX=~/.DrakanWine ./winetricks csmt=off nocrashdialog autostart_winedbg=disabled renderer=no3d sound=alsa dmime dmusic
Import Engine Settings and optionally Wine DLL Overrides if you decided to use modified DDRAW.DLL.
Code: Select all
WINEPREFIX=~/.DrakanWine wine regedit ~/Games/Drakan/Drakan_Engine_Settings.reg
WINEPREFIX=~/.DrakanWine wine regedit ~/Games/Drakan/Drakan_DllOverrides.reg
Start Server:
Code: Select all
cd ~/Games/Drakan
WINEPREFIX=~/.DrakanWine wine ./DrakanServer.exe +dedicated +queryport 27046 +master +hostname "Test Server" +name "SERVER" +maxplayers 16 +scorelimit 20 +timelimit 20 +levellist "Ground Only"
Also you can limit CPU usage by setting desired server update rate in game console e.g. maxrate 50.

Sources: ... on-debian/