drakan works fine on windows 11 but music is not played

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drakan works fine on windows 11 but music is not played

Post by Wrdenhy »

Has anyone encountered this problem?

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Re: drakan works fine on windows 11 but music is not played

Post by Admin »

I haven't got windows 11 but I've heard others have the same issue. Likely an incompatibility with windows but can't confirm.

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Re: drakan works fine on windows 11 but music is not played

Post by iJoy »

Same problem here, main menu and single player doesn't play any musics, but some levels in multiplayer does :?
I'm searching for a solution too

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Re: drakan works fine on windows 11 but music is not played

Post by Faudel »


I have the same problem and strangely there is no music during the game.

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Re: drakan works fine on windows 11 but music is not played

Post by Admin »

There is a direct music fix that was posted on our discord which may fix it. I can't personally confirm if it works or not and what exactly this program does as it was posted by one of our members. Several have said it fixes the issue.

I have scanned the file for viruses and malware and it's clean. You can try it if you like ; it's attached to this post.
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Re: drakan works fine on windows 11 but music is not played

Post by UCyborg »

Looks like another repack of DirectMusic DLLs from Windows XP (https://greatemerald.eu/blog/solving-th ... ro-problem).

While I haven't tested extensively, Unreal II using DirectMusic in more interesting ways, it might be happy with just dmscript.dll from XP.

For Drakan, I'm positive that XP's dmusic.dll is enough. Original fix is an overkill IMO, it was apparently made for Windows Server 2003, for those oddballs using server OS as a workstation OS, the other systems will have DirectMusic interfaces already registered. While one could speculate about "correctness" of mixing DirectMusic components from different OS, they seem to be separated enough as it is, at least no crashes.

I'd just temporarily take ownership of C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dmusic.dll (give it to Administrators group), give said group full control over the file, rename the original file, copy XP's dmusic.dll in its place.

Guess Microsoft didn't finish the job when they presumably wanted to adopt DirectMusic better for their newer systems as it was already deprecated at the time. Though there are other components that were either completely removed with Vista (eg. DirectX runtimes for Visual Basic) or completely stubbed (eg. dxmasf.dll), so games using those wouldn't work at all or had certain functionalities disabled. So who knows what was the actual deal with DirectMusic.

Change in Windows 11 (all of a sudden) is technically more interesting as some tracks in Drakan still play (singleplayer vs. multiplayer doesn't matter, the selected track does). Would be good to know what's the difference between working and broken ones.

Also made a topic on VOGONS about DirectMusic, if anyone will chime in. Though I suspect no one will worry about it much as long as XP's DLL is compatible.
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Re: drakan works fine on windows 11 but music is not played

Post by megaman951 »

I just installed the Community Patch Remastered and I also don't have any music, even after running the included "directmusic fix" exe file

I'm running windows 10

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