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The two Drakan games in story form

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:21 pm
by Arokhs Twin
Some of you may remember I started writing the events of the two Drakan games (Order of the Flame and the Ancient's Gates) into novel form. A lot of the Drakan community helped out on the project which was massive to be an understatement and finally, its done. I have removed the original forum post to save on database space and made the story available for download at

So, if you are interested in how Rynn and Arokh met and you have not played Order of the Flame, now is your chance to find out.

Once again, thanks to all who contributed, I would have given up long ago if it wasn't for you people.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:56 pm
by nin
I can't belive you wrote all of that. Just finished printing the intire story out on to 194 A4 pages, in size 10 i belive.... Now thats a lot of reading...

Anyway, it looks very nice indeed. And thanks for all the hard work everybody, i'm looking forward to be finished reading it... (it's gonna take time though)

Nice work..

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 11:20 am
by Arokhs Twin
It took a long time indeed but a lot helped out with the story, writing large sections which made it easier. It took about 8 months to write up altogether and some bits were deleted as I got bored towards the end. Its probably not the best in the world as I don't consider myself to be a good writer but I think we did a pretty good job...

Hope you like it.