What has been changed from the original Ruined Village map:
- Arokh has been moved to Rynn's starting location and made controllable.
- Also he now has all the dragon breath weapons - because why not?
- Removed the original outdoors "Visibility Togglers", since they had been set up for ground exploration only; before removing them, flying around resulted in parts of the level not loading (eg. the entire graveyard area).
- Layer visibility has been completely overhauled.
Keep in mind that Ruined Village was explicitly never meant to have Arokh under player control, so there's some inevitable brokenness; and it's very easy to accidentally go outside of the level boundaries, since no suitable geometry is present to prevent that from happening.
Also, "null textures" can be seen at some of the level boundaries, in areas not normally visible to the player.
Amusingly, it turns out that Arokh actually has serious difficulties navigating the entrance to his own lair

There's also a whole bunch of strange and unusual collision inside the lair, which tends to pull him through the walls and thus out of bounds.
NB, all this screwing around has also enlightened me regarding an issue which I had previously held to be untenable:
Heron lived in this village a few centuries before, right? So why isn't there any convenient path between the inhabited area and Arokh's lair, then?
It's really obvious, if you think about it: why even bother with a path, when you can just call Arokh over?