Note that we're using Discord for coordinating the dates & times of our multiplayer events, as well as for in-game voice chat (optional).
While using it isn't required to join our servers, we strongly recommend it; if only to have access to the most up-to-date information about the planned matches.

Please use this link to join our Discord channel.
Alternatively, for users who don't want (or are unable) to use Discord for any reason, there's also the event calendar in our Steam group, which can be (and is) used for planning multiplayer matches ahead of time. Feel free to use the group chat there, as well.
Last but not least, Drakan also provides its own simple in-game text chat functionality. You can set the key to activate the chat prompt in the control settings; it's called "Network Chat".
Click here for information regarding our multiplayer servers, as well as the technical requirements for a successful connection.
Please be advised that usually at least one of us is recording the multiplayer gameplay footage, and eventually uploading it to YouTube; this also includes our voice communication.
We would like to ask all participants to abide by the following code of conduct:
- Text chat users: while typing, land and sit still (in air levels - preferably in an out-of-the way spot, to avoid stray projectiles) or approach and face a wall (as Rynn).
- All other players: please don't attack these users who are busy typing (as above), or otherwise standing obviously inactive still at their spawn point.
- If you want to take a short break, then do the same as for when typing; since quitting and rejoining the server would reset your score!
- Keep any profanities to a reasonable minimum, please - we are neither sailors, nor car mechanics. Well, I'm a former car mechanic, but let's not talk about that.
- If, for whatever reason, you object to having (at least some of) your gameplay displayed in public, then please refrain from participating.
- Please don't FFA (free-for-all) in the Duel maps. The game doesn't enforce that in any way, due to engine limitations - but the other players will usually step in.
- Exception to the above: the Dragons Den air duel map is a hybrid Duel/FFA map, and can be used for both - even at the same time, due to its unique design. Still, the non-duelling players should all agree on whether to spectate the duel, or play FFA in the meanwhile instead.
- For ground duels, the fight doesn't begin until both participants agree. This is signalled by blocking with your weapon; the fight officially starts when both players cease to block.