Pat86 wrote: Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:56 pm
Thanks! Works great (except Violence is greyed out - but its set to excessive).
Ok, I've done some proper testing with the German version of Drakan you provided.
The correct way to handle it (and this is how it will be integrated into the next release of Community Patch) is to install German Drakan from game disc (done by user)

install German Patch 445

install AiO patch (which is actually language-neutral).
Done in that way, it is fully functional and can connect to multiplayer servers just fine.
Unfortunately, this still results in the violence setting being grayed out.
I'm currently preparing the next release of Community Patch - I already have some fixes and other content lined up for it - so I'll include German language support in it as well.
But the CP installer is still going to be English-only, unless someone offers to translate the custom text strings it uses (the generic installer text, such as the welcome screen etc., already has multilanguage support; it's just not enabled because of these untranslated custom text strings).
As for the violence setting being grayed out - sorry, but that's a WONTFIX.
While in principle it can be un-grayed (and made usable) by using the debugger, doing that would take far too long, for far too little benefit.
And replacing Dragon.rfl instead is an absolute no-go, since it would prevent multiplayer from working - thus largely defeating the entire purpose of the CP.
My Community Patch installer already presets the violence setting to maximum ("2") - and if anyone ever wants to change it in the German version for any reason, they can just edit Drakan.cfg with Notepad or any other similar tool.
I'll put a note to that effect in the patch readme, as well.
EDIT: Ok, I've included support for German Drakan into an unreleased test build of the Community Patch, and it works perfectly fine