Here's the first one: Amen v2.
Last time we played the original Amen, YanGez turned it into a slaughterhouse after spawning with the Dreadnaught. It was a total steamroll...

Unfortunately I have been AFK for the majority of it, and only came back towards the end - whereupon I witnessed him kill 5 or 6 other players in the span of at most 2 minutes, stopped only by the server kill limit being reached.
Some serious rebalancing was clearly in order here...
What has been changed:
- Added background music,
- Added one regular spawn point, to reduce frequency of spawning with the Dreadnaught,
- Decreased the Dreadnaught's durability considerably - it now breaks in 5 hits, as opposed to the original 15,
- Decreased the SoulTaker's durability to 20 (from 30),
- Flames in the middle are no longer just for show - now they actually hurt when touched; also they have a new particle effect as well,
- Increased the healing effect of standing on the central pillar slightly - it now heals 1.5HP/s,
- Tweaked the visuals of the central 5 particle fountains, so that their particle streams no longer intersect the cave ceiling.
And the second one: Katana War v2.
This one had a few problems... a very OP combination of Power Katana (itself also very OP) + Dragon Armor, as well as a malfunctioning Fire Katana which exploded in the user's face, and an obnoxious perma-stunlocking Knockdown Katana, to name some of the worst offenders.
What has been changed:
- Added background music,
- Added three regular spawn points, to reduce frequency of spawning with the Power Katana,
- Decreased the Death Katana's damage output from 40AP to 35AP, also reduced its health drain from 40% to 35% of damage dealt, and lowered the durability from 15 to 12 points,
- Decreased the Knockdown Katana's chance of causing knockdown from 80% to 40%, also changed its damage output from 15AP to 20 (non-AP),
- Decreased the Power Katana's damage output from 80AP to 45AP,
- Fixed the Fire Katana, now it's no longer a suicide weapon unless used at very close range; its alternate attack launches a fireball, slightly more powerful than that of a dragon's (previously it did the same thing, but the fireball it launched would immediately explode, blowing up the user!),
- Halved the probability of the Invincibility Rune spawning randomly,
- Increased the respawn timer on the Dragon Armor from 90s to 120s,
- Relocated the spawn point with the Power Katana
- now it's quite some distance away from the Dragon Armor,
- Replaced the starting weapon for the topmost player spawn point (formerly the Power Katana) with an easter egg... (it also gives the player a real weapon, the Protection Katana).
Further changes to the Fire Katana:
- Decreased the main attack's burn damage from 5HP/s to 4HP/s, also shortened the effect duration from 4s to 3s,
- Decreased the number of secondary attack charges from 4 to 3,
- Decreased the fireball's impact damage from 20 to 10 and the explosion AoE damage from 10 to 8,
- Made the fireball's "burn effect" actually deal some damage to compensate (4HP/s for 4 seconds; previously it had been a purely visual effect).
Hopefully with these changes, these maps should be more enjoyable to play now
