Here you will find modifications and total conversions for Drakan: Order of the Flame. Note that some mods will overwrite your game’s database files which is fine for single player but will cause an error when you try and play online. You will get an error similar to”Invalid or corrupted level! <Aborting> Your game files do not match those of the server!” Make sure you back up / copy any files these mods replace so you can replace them when playing multiplayer.
Always read the readme files, please do not email me with any queries or questions because you cannot get them to work.
D’Rynn and Tiamat characters by Voodoo29 and Andrey – fantastic mods which replaces Rynn with a dragon / human hybrid creature. The D’Rynn character was originally created by Andrey and Voodoo29 but the Timat character’s skin was designed by Draco at and is based on the D’Rynn mesh.
You can download D’Rynn here (860Kb) and Tiamat (936kb) here. Note these mods will invalidate previous save games. Backup your system.mod and system.txd files first as instructed in the download.
The D’Rynn character The Tiamat character
Rynn Armour mod – These are a collection of alternate Armours for Rynn. They are single player only mods which are intended to replace the available armours throughout the game. You will need to know how to use the level editor to be able to use these files. You can download them here.
Updated Arokh model and D’Rynn alternate skins – Andri on the forums has made a higher resolution model for Arokh and some alternate skins and textures for the D’Rynn model above. Like most mods these mods will invalidate your save games and loose the ability to play online multiplayer. Back up your files first. The forum post is here
Modern World mods – A great collection of new weapons, skins, models and some Star wars stuff that can make an interesting change to a Drakan level. Drakan in the 21st century anyone? Note that you will need knowledge of the level editor to be able to use these files. Download them here.
Zeoc’s Drakan mods page – a collection of useful mods that enhance or change single player gameplay. The site is here.
Drakan: Order of the Flame alternate ending – created by Assassin, this replaces your rift world.lvl file with a new one and adds an extra map after beating the final boss. There is a nice cut scene at the end which is much better than the pathetic existing ending. Note it does not contradict the storyline of Drakan: The Ancient’s Gates or any of its player created alternatives. Enjoy! Download it here. (720kb)
Undead Rynn skin for single player – Made by Hellboi, this gives Rynn an alternative look. Please note that with any mod, it may invalidate your ability to play the game online or load previous save games. So, please back up any game files that are replaced / modified. Download it here.
Various collection of mods – this zip file contains several mods rescued from Surreal News before it went down such as male Rynn, unreal Rynn, dresses and outfits for Rynn, weapon mods etc. Submitted by forum member Shoprat. Download them here.